Continuano gli Aggiornamenti degli Overall (RatingsRefresh) delle Carte Base dei Calciatori presenti nella Modalita‘ Online di punta del Titolo Calcistico di ElectronicArts(EA), Fifa17 UltimateTeam;
rilasciato per primo il Campionato Inglese di PremierLeague(BPL), tocca al Nostro Campionato Italiano di SerieA (ricordo “sotto” il nome di “CalcioA” a seguito della non Licenza per quest’anno)
Valgono le stesse regole di Aggiornamento:
- Upgrades AND downgrades apply to new non-inform players found in packs.
Non-IF players in your Club will not receive an upgrade or a downgrade. - If an upgraded player’s new OVR rating equals or surpasses his existing first in-form’s rating, his IFs will get an upgrade.
An exception is made for lower rated players with significant upgrades.
Does not apply to Movember or Ultimate Scream items. - If an upgraded player’s new OVR rating does not equal or surpass his existing in-form’s rating, his IFs will not get an upgrade.
However, if an upgraded player with an existing IF gets upgraded across Quality tiers (eg. Silver to Gold), his lower-quality IF will not get an upgrade.
This preserves the in-form’s high value. - Downgrades to non-IF players will not affect their In-Forms or special items, should they have any.
“ Qui tutti i Dettagli
Disponibili da ora nei nei pacchetti, si attende il rilascio di Nuovi Aggiornamenti di un altro Campionato.